Understanding Life Care Planning: Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Life Care Planning is a crucial aspect of ensuring that your medical wishes are honored in the event of an emergency or serious illness. It empowers individuals of all ages to make informed decisions about their healthcare and designate trusted individuals to manage their medical affairs when they are unable to do so themselves. Whether you reside in Arizona or elsewhere, there are valuable resources available to Read More

Navigating the Legal Landscape: Class Action Lawsuits

In the realm of consumer protection, understanding the purpose of Class Action Lawsuits may help consumers how they may seek justice collectively.   Understanding Class Action Lawsuits: A Brief Overview  Class Action Lawsuits are legal proceedings initiated by a group of individuals who share similar grievances caused by the systematic actions of an entity. This collective approach can streamline legal processes, Read More

Year-End Checklists for Small Businesses

As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time for small businesses to reflect on their achievements and learnings and to plan for the road ahead. While many entrepreneurs are busy setting personal resolutions, it's equally crucial to focus on legal considerations that can shape the success of your business in the coming year. This blog post will explore a year-end legal checklist tailored to small businesses, Read More

Things you should know about vehicle repairs & vehicle warranties

Vehicles are an essential part of our daily lives, providing us with the ability to work and the freedom to travel. However, as any owner knows, maintenance and repairs are inevitable. Understanding your rights and responsibilities, especially regarding warranties and repairs, helps enforce those rights.    Arizona Lemon Law:  Arizona's Lemon law, like other states, is a remedial statute adopted to protect Read More

A few reasons why you should review the “arbitration” section of a contract?

"Win or lose, do it fairly." –Knute Rockne What is Arbitration? Arbitration clauses are found in contracts for car purchases, home construction, bank accounts, student loans, cell phones, employment, nursing homes, and more. It is a private procedure in which a legal dispute is submitted to make a binding decision on the dispute. When arbitration is mandatory it deprives of the opportunity to go to court.  It can Read More

How can we create a better contract?

Contracts are used to control conduct, usually with incentives and penalties to ensure the desired outcome. Penalties and incentives place the focus on the desired outcomes, rather than what might make the best practical sense to serve the best interests and circumstances of those involved. For example, contracts that provide incentives for volume or higher prices, rather than quality or value, may lead to Read More

COVID-19 & Business Insurance: Coverage of Business Income Loss

As I mentioned in our May 2020 Blog, the COVID-19 pandemic has generated concerns about many types of agreements. This month I decided to focus on business interruption in commercial insurance policies, also known as business income loss coverage. A bit of insight into the world of insurance may help you successfully pursue a claim to cover the loss incurred due to COVID-19. Of course, much of the insight comes Read More

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