A Few Tips on Turning Your Hobby into a Business

“Strive not to be a success, but to be of Value.” – Albert Einstein  You don’t have to quit your job and go into debt to start a business. It’s often a good idea to start slowly to allow the freedom to experiment and learn as you go.  Generally speaking, service businesses are the businesses that require the smallest initial investment and may allow you to operate from your home. You should check with your city Read More

Have you heard of the Franchise Rule or the Business Opportunity Rule?

Many of us dream of financial independence and might consider investing in a business opportunity. A promise of no risk and big profits is often indicative of a scheme that could be fraudulent. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has two trade regulations to help protect against deceptive business opportunity schemes, the Franchise Rule, and the Business Opportunity Rule. The FTC’s Franchise Rule, when first Read More

A Buy-Sell Agreement, Why a Business Should Have One.

1. It is the plan to follow for the sale of the business.                   A business Buy-Sell agreement is the legal succession plan for selling a business. Buy-sell agreements can provide a reliable exit plan for business partners when they no longer want to have a stake in the company. 2. A Buy-Sell Agreement allows for tax and emergency planning. A Buy-Sell agreement should involve a tax strategy to help Read More

COVID-19 & Business Insurance: Coverage of Business Income Loss

As I mentioned in our May 2020 Blog, the COVID-19 pandemic has generated concerns about many types of agreements. This month I decided to focus on business interruption in commercial insurance policies, also known as business income loss coverage. A bit of insight into the world of insurance may help you successfully pursue a claim to cover the loss incurred due to COVID-19. Of course, much of the insight comes Read More

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