Things you should know about vehicle repairs & vehicle warranties

Vehicles are an essential part of our daily lives, providing us with the ability to work and the freedom to travel. However, as any owner knows, maintenance and repairs are inevitable. Understanding your rights and responsibilities, especially regarding warranties and repairs, helps enforce those rights.    Arizona Lemon Law:  Arizona's Lemon law, like other states, is a remedial statute adopted to protect Read More

Your Medical Records: Do you have access and ownership?

Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash “Access to computers and the Internet has become a basic need for education in our society.”  Kent Conrad Do you own your medical records? Henrietta Lacks unknowingly donated her medical information when as a young mother of five, she died from cervical cancer. Her cells, identified as "HeLa cells" (taken from her first and last name), were used in Read More

What are options one has when in dispute with another member of the limited liability company (LLC) or when you have an ownership interest in a corporation?

Governing documents of an LLC, the “operating agreement,” should provide detailed information on how most ownership disputes within the business should be dealt with by a fellow member.  An operating agreement should identify the responsibilities of each member and the first course of action to be taken to resolve a dispute. Alternatively, an operating agreement may provide that the members are not liable to each Read More

Have you heard of the Franchise Rule or the Business Opportunity Rule?

Many of us dream of financial independence and might consider investing in a business opportunity. A promise of no risk and big profits is often indicative of a scheme that could be fraudulent. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has two trade regulations to help protect against deceptive business opportunity schemes, the Franchise Rule, and the Business Opportunity Rule. The FTC’s Franchise Rule, when first Read More

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