Things you should know about vehicle repairs & vehicle warranties

Vehicles are an essential part of our daily lives, providing us with the ability to work and the freedom to travel. However, as any owner knows, maintenance and repairs are inevitable. Understanding your rights and responsibilities, especially regarding warranties and repairs, helps enforce those rights.    Arizona Lemon Law:  Arizona's Lemon law, like other states, is a remedial statute adopted to protect Read More

Common Tactics of Scammers & How To Avoid Them

"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud. - Sophocles  1.  Scammers PRETEND to be from an organization you know. Scammers often claim they are contacting you on behalf of the government. They may say they are from the Social Security Administration, the IRS, or Medicare.  Some fraudsters will pretend to be from a business you know, such as a Microsoft or Norton Antivirus.  They often change the phone Read More

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