Understanding the TikTok Divestment Debate and FTC’s Actions

Data privacy and national security concerns have become increasingly prominent in our conversations, especially surrounding the TikTok divestment and the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) enforcement efforts. This article identifies some of the key issues in the evolving legal landscape and offers considerations on how to consciously evaluate the use of your private data. 


The TikTok Debate: Balancing Innovation and Security 

The political debate appears to be driven by concerns about foreign private data control.  TikTok has immense popularity as a social media platform, its ownership by entities “affiliated with” the Chinese government has raised red flags of how TikTok is using the data handling and is their control lead to potential national security risks. 

FTC’s Role in Data Privacy Enforcement 

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been at the forefront of data privacy enforcement, challenging social media and other online platform’s data collection practices and calling for stricter regulations to protect our private data. Recent FTC legal actions against data brokers like Kochava and X-Mode Social have established precedents to define what constitutes fair and unfair data practices, particularly concerning sensitive information such as medical and location data. 

Practical Considerations To Protect Your Personal Data: 

  1. Use Strong Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication:

    Strengthen your online accounts with unique, complex passwords and enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security. 

  1. Stay Informed About Privacy Policies: Regularly review and understand the privacy policies of apps and platforms you use to ensure they align with your privacy expectations.
  2. Limit Data Sharing: Be cautious about sharing sensitive information online and only provide data when necessary. 
  3. Update Software and Apps: Keep your devices, software, and apps up to date with the latest security patches and updates to mitigate vulnerabilities. 
  4. Utilize Privacy Settings: Take advantage of privacy settings on social media platforms and apps to control who can access your data and how it is used. 
  5. Be Wary of Phishing and Scams: Stay vigilant against phishing attempts and scams that aim to steal your personal information. 
  6. Consider VPNs and Encryption: Use virtual private networks (VPNs) and encryption tools to secure your internet connection and protect data transmission. 


As discussions around data privacy and national security continue to evolve, it’s important for consumers to be aware and take conscious steps to safeguard their personal information. We can protect our data and work towards a safer digital environment by staying informed and leveraging available tools. 

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