New car/truck repair problems? Five things you should do if you have repair issues with a new or leased vehicle: Repair issues after a major investment in a purchase or lease can be frustrating and stressful. It can have a significant impact on all aspects of your life: work, commuting to work, school, family transportation. You just got the vehicle and the check engine light is on? That’s why we make investments in Read More
Business Plan and Growth-How is it all supposed to work?
As you might know a budget plan is key to planning growth, getting cozy with “your numbers” in your budget (your revenue, and expense needs) is vital for planning growth and profit. Your business plan is your bible for decision making, it should be current to help you make daily decisions. A business plan doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be very simple. The business plan should explain: the why the business was Read More
Emergency Planning
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now”. - Read More
50 Ways to Deny a Warranty
Just slip out the back, Jack. Make a new plan, Stan. You don't need to be coy, Roy - 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon, singer-songwriter I hope with this post to help educate those of you that take the time to read it (Thank you!), avoid warranty coverage denials and misunderstandings. It is often quite difficult after a sale to hold Goliath merchants responsible when products fail Read More
“Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes, turn and face the strange…”*
A few months ago (July 24, 2019) an editorial in the Arizona Daily Star caught my attention. Kelly Griffith executive director of the Southwest Center for Economic Integrity wrote about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau(CFPB)’s proposed changes to their rule regulating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The FDCPA was passed in 1977 to curtail abusive debt collection practices and to encourage Read More
Understanding Taxes
Taxes! Even smarty pants Albert Einstein recognized the challenge of income tax when he claimed they were “the hardest thing in the world to understand.” Life events like marriage, retirement, selling and inheriting property whether foreseen or not, can make tax obligations more complicated and create a large financial burden that was avoidable with proper guidance. That said, changes in the federal and state tax Read More
6 Important Vehicle Purchase Tips
Vehicle Repair History: Always, Always, Always ask for repair history documents of the vehicle you are considering to purchase. Ask even when the vehicle is new, it can be damaged during transport. Though advertised as a Certified Pre-Owned, it may have been in an accident, and if you do not ask specifically you will not likely receive the repair and accident history. A manufacturer's dealership should be able Read More
5 Reasons Your Business Needs an Employee Handbook
An employee handbook is one of the most vital documents your business can compile, and should be part of every new hire’s employment package. An employee handbook will not only ensure that both employees and management understand the standards you’ve set for your company, but it will also make clear your company’s mission statement, which includes the values you’ve set for your company, something that is becoming Read More
A Brief Introduction to the ACFA
Consumers and Businesses are protected by various laws at different levels of government. The Arizona Consumer Fraud Act (ACFA) is a law that protects consumers and businesses at the state level. Let’s take a look at the Act to find out how it works. What is the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act? Enacted in 1967, the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act governs transactions. The Act is designed to uncover “unlawful practices” in Read More
5 Important Business Profitability Tips
As a business owner, you have to wear a variety of hats to keep your processes running smoothly. These tips can help your bottom line. 1) Document everything and know how to find the document. Contracts mitigate risk and build trust in partnerships, so make sure to document all of your agreements. If you make verbal business decisions or agreements, always follow up with an email to confirm. Policies and Read More