Cybersecurity for Small Businesses: Protecting Your Assets and Understanding Your Legal Obligations

Cybersecurity is a critical concern for small businesses in today's digital age. Cyber threats can target any business, regardless of size, and the consequences of a data breach can be devastating. The following aims to provide helpful information on potential cybersecurity risks, employee best practices, and a general overview of local, state, and federal laws regarding data breaches.  Potential Risks  Small Read More

Did you know How Auto Insurers are Keeping Score? 

As technology advances, our lives become increasingly interconnected with data. While most people are familiar with credit scores, another less well-known but equally influential metric is emerging: the driving score. This score, which can significantly impact your auto insurance premiums, is derived from data collected on your driving habits. From how often you brake hard to how frequently you speed, these insights Read More

Understanding Qui Tam Lawsuits

Qui Tam lawsuits are critical legal tools designed to expose fraud. This blog post will examine some of the intricacies of Qui Tam lawsuits, summarizing what they are, how they work, and their importance in rooting out abusive and deceptive conduct.  What is a Qui Tam Lawsuit?  The term "Qui Tam" is derived from the Latin phrase "qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur," which translates Read More

Understanding Judicial Elections in Arizona

The topic of judicial elections and their impact on the legal system has gained significant attention recently. The conversation revolves around the role of judges, their re-election process, and the influence of these dynamics on legal outcomes.   Judicial Retention and Voter Influence  A reminder of the power that Arizona voters hold in retaining judges should be part of this discussion. In Arizona, judges Read More

Understanding the TikTok Divestment Debate and FTC’s Actions

Data privacy and national security concerns have become increasingly prominent in our conversations, especially surrounding the TikTok divestment and the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) enforcement efforts. This article identifies some of the key issues in the evolving legal landscape and offers considerations on how to consciously evaluate the use of your private data.    The TikTok Debate: Balancing Innovation Read More

Understanding Life Care Planning: Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Life Care Planning is a crucial aspect of ensuring that your medical wishes are honored in the event of an emergency or serious illness. It empowers individuals of all ages to make informed decisions about their healthcare and designate trusted individuals to manage their medical affairs when they are unable to do so themselves. Whether you reside in Arizona or elsewhere, there are valuable resources available to Read More

Navigating the Legal Landscape: Class Action Lawsuits

In the realm of consumer protection, understanding the purpose of Class Action Lawsuits may help consumers how they may seek justice collectively.   Understanding Class Action Lawsuits: A Brief Overview  Class Action Lawsuits are legal proceedings initiated by a group of individuals who share similar grievances caused by the systematic actions of an entity. This collective approach can streamline legal processes, Read More

Navigating Peer-to-Peer Payment Apps (Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, etc.): The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment applications have become indispensable tools for simplifying our financial lives. Whether you're sharing a restaurant bill or paying for that Airbnb stay, most of us can agree these apps are convenient and easy to use. However, as with any technology, there are potential pitfalls, so consider protecting yourself from being defrauded and losing money. Read More

A Few Animal Laws We Should Know

We all have questions that come up for our pets or someone else. I have collected some resources to help address the more common ones.  Leash Laws  State and local governments have leash laws. Michigan State has an animal legal and historical center webpage that refers to each state and laws governing leash laws:  In Arizona, there are state Read More

Guardianships: A legal process to help when someone close is impaired and unable to make decisions or communicate without assistance.

Arizona has a law, Arizona Revised Statute § 14-5101, that helps define when guardianship may be sought through the courts for an impaired adult, effectively “incapacitated.” An adult may be considered incapacitated due to mental or physical impairment caused by a disease or drug addiction. As a result, the person cannot communicate or understand to make decisions that affect them directly. It may be a short-term Read More

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