Common Tactics of Scammers & How To Avoid Them

"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud. - Sophocles  1.  Scammers PRETEND to be from an organization you know. Scammers often claim they are contacting you on behalf of the government. They may say they are from the Social Security Administration, the IRS, or Medicare.  Some fraudsters will pretend to be from a business you know, such as a Microsoft or Norton Antivirus.  They often change the phone Read More

What the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act is and How it Can Help You as a Business owner and Consumer.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ― Nelson Mandela The Arizona Consumer Fraud Act (the Act) provides a person (which could be a person or business as defined under the Act) with a legal remedy when harmed by any person, by an unlawful act, use, or practice in connection with a sale or advertisement of merchandise. The Act prohibits unfair and deceptive business Read More

Tips on when you should seek legal advice, and other options that may be available.

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do.  - Edmund Burke I am not sure I need a lawyer but think I might… Lawyers often help clients in matters that have nothing to do with legal disputes. For example, a business owner might seek a lawyer’s guidance on the legal aspects of starting a business or entering Read More

Financial Literacy: What it means and why it matters.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin  Financial Literacy has been defined as the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well-being. We can use financial knowledge to make better decisions. From everyday spending to long-term planning, intentional money management could mean leveraging money or access to it to Read More

A few things you should know when financing a vehicle purchase.

If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some – Benjamin Franklin Generally, for many, lenders will preapprove a loan and quote an interest rate, loan term, and maximum loan amount. The factors that are considered for approval are credit score(s), the terms of the transaction, and the type of vehicle. Once approved, a conditional commitment letter is provided. The Consumer Financial Protection Read More

What are options one has when in dispute with another member of the limited liability company (LLC) or when you have an ownership interest in a corporation?

Governing documents of an LLC, the “operating agreement,” should provide detailed information on how most ownership disputes within the business should be dealt with by a fellow member.  An operating agreement should identify the responsibilities of each member and the first course of action to be taken to resolve a dispute. Alternatively, an operating agreement may provide that the members are not liable to each Read More

Is it too late to file a lawsuit?

A statute of limitation is a law that prescribes the period to file a legal claim. In general, once the statute of limitation “runs out” the legal claim cannot be pursued.  The duration under which you can file a lawsuit varies depending on the type of legal claim and related conduct. Some unlawful conduct could extend the deadline, or “toll” a statute of limitation.  Statutes of Limitation for claims based on Read More

A Few Tips on Turning Your Hobby into a Business

“Strive not to be a success, but to be of Value.” – Albert Einstein  You don’t have to quit your job and go into debt to start a business. It’s often a good idea to start slowly to allow the freedom to experiment and learn as you go.  Generally speaking, service businesses are the businesses that require the smallest initial investment and may allow you to operate from your home. You should check with your city Read More

Should I Buy or Build a Home?

“A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.” – Unknown So, it’s the new year and you are thinking about a new home. You, perhaps, are considering buying one you like and adjusting it to suit your needs or possibly building a home to your likes and interests. It is understandable that you would like to evaluate all your options, given it will likely be the largest investment you may Read More

Title Insurance-Why you need to understand about how it may or may not provide protection.

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” – Warren Buffet You bought a property to build your dream home and information that will affect your ability to build or access the property was not disclosed. Can you file a claim with the title insurer? Generally, it is recommended that in addition to the required lender’s policy you purchase an owner’s policy given the huge investment in purchasing a Read More

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