COVID-19 & Business Insurance: Coverage of Business Income Loss

As I mentioned in our May 2020 Blog, the COVID-19 pandemic has generated concerns about many types of agreements. This month I decided to focus on business interruption in commercial insurance policies, also known as business income loss coverage. A bit of insight into the world of insurance may help you successfully pursue a claim to cover the loss incurred due to COVID-19. Of course, much of the insight comes Read More

COVID-19 & Contracts: What are my options?

COVID-19 has forced us into the unexpected with our personal and professional lives. With an event as extreme as the COVID-19 pandemic, there are concerns about all kinds of agreements, insurance, mortgage, debt obligations, lease, domestic relations, and vendors, to name a few. Because nearly every agreement in our lives has been substantially affected, many of us are at a loss for what to do. Understanding your Read More

What I didn’t know about winning as a professional athlete but soon learned as a business owner.

How systems help you maximize performance and help you fulfill your mission and reach goals. As a professional runner, I relished the freedom of an unpredictable day: do what I want, how I want, when I want.  Hard to believe but freedoms like these can led to paralysis in making daily or long-term decisions.  As a competitive runner, my focus was to maximize performance to be competitive and strategize to Read More

Are you thinking of starting a business in Arizona?

Are you thinking of starting a business in Arizona? You should be, now is the time to fulfill needs that are currently being unmet by the traditional way of providing services and products. Perhaps, you are thinking about a side hustle, or are interested in purchasing a business, or creating a second on. Here is a checklist to help you get set up: 1. CHOOSE A NAME Choose a name for the business entity and search it Read More

Business Ownership Dispute

Can I sue another member of the limited liability company (LLC)? Governing documents for an LLC, the “operating agreement”, should provide detailed information on  how most ownership disputes within the business should be dealt with by a fellow member. An operating agreement can direct that each member be held responsible for wrongdoing to another member, so that one member can take legal action against another Read More

New Vehicle Repairs? 5 Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself

New car/truck repair problems? Five things you should do if you have repair issues with a new or leased vehicle: Repair issues after a major investment in a purchase or lease can be frustrating and stressful. It can have a significant impact on all aspects of your life: work, commuting to work, school, family transportation. You just got the vehicle and the check engine light is on? That’s why we make investments in Read More

Business Plan and Growth-How is it all supposed to work?

As you might know a budget plan is key to planning growth, getting cozy with “your numbers” in your budget (your revenue, and expense needs) is vital for planning growth and profit. Your business plan is your bible for decision making, it should be current to help you make daily decisions. A business plan doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be very simple. The business plan should explain: the why the business was Read More

Emergency Planning

        “Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now”.                                                                                     -  Read More

50 Ways to Deny a Warranty

Just slip out the back, Jack. Make a new plan, Stan. You don't need to be coy, Roy       - 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon, singer-songwriter I hope with this post to help educate those of you that take the time to read it (Thank you!), avoid warranty coverage denials and misunderstandings. It is often quite difficult after a sale to hold Goliath merchants responsible when products fail Read More

“Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes, turn and face the strange…”*

A few months ago (July 24, 2019) an editorial in the Arizona Daily Star caught my attention. Kelly Griffith executive director of the Southwest Center for Economic Integrity wrote about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau(CFPB)’s proposed changes to their rule regulating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The FDCPA was passed in 1977 to curtail abusive debt collection practices and to encourage Read More

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