Did you know How Auto Insurers are Keeping Score? 

As technology advances, our lives become increasingly interconnected with data. While most people are familiar with credit scores, another less well-known but equally influential metric is emerging: the driving score. This score, which can significantly impact your auto insurance premiums, is derived from data collected on your driving habits. From how often you brake hard to how frequently you speed, these insights Read More

Understanding the TikTok Divestment Debate and FTC’s Actions

Data privacy and national security concerns have become increasingly prominent in our conversations, especially surrounding the TikTok divestment and the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) enforcement efforts. This article identifies some of the key issues in the evolving legal landscape and offers considerations on how to consciously evaluate the use of your private data.    The TikTok Debate: Balancing Innovation Read More

Understanding Life Care Planning: Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Life Care Planning is a crucial aspect of ensuring that your medical wishes are honored in the event of an emergency or serious illness. It empowers individuals of all ages to make informed decisions about their healthcare and designate trusted individuals to manage their medical affairs when they are unable to do so themselves. Whether you reside in Arizona or elsewhere, there are valuable resources available to Read More

A Few Animal Laws We Should Know

We all have questions that come up for our pets or someone else. I have collected some resources to help address the more common ones.  Leash Laws  State and local governments have leash laws. Michigan State has an animal legal and historical center webpage that refers to each state and laws governing leash laws: https://www.animallaw.info/topic/table-state-dog-leash-laws.  In Arizona, there are state Read More

Guardianships: A legal process to help when someone close is impaired and unable to make decisions or communicate without assistance.

Arizona has a law, Arizona Revised Statute § 14-5101, that helps define when guardianship may be sought through the courts for an impaired adult, effectively “incapacitated.” An adult may be considered incapacitated due to mental or physical impairment caused by a disease or drug addiction. As a result, the person cannot communicate or understand to make decisions that affect them directly. It may be a short-term Read More

The Rooftop Solar Market: What can you do when you believe you have been ripped off.

So, you decided to make a large investment in solar panels, and the solar panel company doesn’t deliver what was promised. What can you do?  You can file a Complaint with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors (AROC).  You can file a complaint with AROC on their website, and an AROC representative will schedule a job site inspection to determine if the respondent (the company/contractor against whom the complaint Read More

Do I Need a Lawyer?

Almost everything we do—from making a big purchase of a vehicle or home to operating a vehicle and interacting with others personally and professionally—can implicate a legal concern. When do you need a lawyer? When might you handle a legal concern without one?  Some challenges may be assisted, at least in part, with the help of another professional, accountant, counselor, or perhaps clergy. Here are some frequent Read More

Student Loan Debt Relief: A Few Things You Should Know

Photo by Jaeyoung Geoffrey Kang on Unsplash "Debt is the slavery of the free." -Publilius Syru Many of us have student loans. Many Americans with education debt apply for discharge relief and a new income-driven payment plan. The US Department of Education proposes a new income-driven repayment plan that caps monthly payments for undergraduate loans at 5% of a borrower's discretionary income—that is half the Read More

How to Improve a Business: Whether it is your own business or another business you support.

We put together some tips on how to improve a business and workspace:  Organize. Getting organized is a key to improving your business or employment skills. Many software-as-a-service (SaaS) tools exist to increase organization. Online programs such as Slack, Asana, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams, are types of platforms that assist businesses and employees to collaborate more efficiently. Keeping your office and desk Read More

Tips on when you should seek legal advice, and other options that may be available.

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do.  - Edmund Burke I am not sure I need a lawyer but think I might… Lawyers often help clients in matters that have nothing to do with legal disputes. For example, a business owner might seek a lawyer’s guidance on the legal aspects of starting a business or entering Read More

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